The Present Day



as interpreted from a Biblical Precedent



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Dolphin, Lambert, Jesus: Lord of Time and Space, New Leaf Press, Green forest, Arkansas, 1988.

Furnas, C. C., The Next Hundred Years: The Unfinished Business of Science, Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1936.

Gaverluk, Emil, Did Genesis Man Conquer Space, Thomas Nelson Inc., New York, 1974.

Knight, David C., UFO's: A Pictorial History from Antiquity to the Present, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.

Magor, John, Our UFO Visitors, Hancock House Publishers, Ltd., Saanichton, British Columbia, 1977.

McGowen, Encyclopedia of Legendary Creatures, Rand McNally & Company, Chicago, 1981.

Morris, Henry M., The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976.

Pember, George Hawkins. Earth's Earliest Ages, Hodder and Stoughton, London, England, 1876

Pozos, Randolfo Rafael, The Face On Mars: Evidence for a Lost Civilization? Chicago Review Press, Chicago 1986.

Randles, Jenny, UFOs and How to See Them, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1992.

Rhodes, Ron, The Culting of America, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 1994.

Scheeben, Matthias Joseph, The Mysteries of Christianity, B. Herder Book Co., St. Louis, Missouri, 1951.

Steeg, Richard A., Spacemen or Angels, Agape Arts, Hayward, California, 1973.

Steidl, Paul M., The Earth, the Stars, and the Bible, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 1979.

Unger, Merrill F., Biblical Demonology: A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today, Scripture Press, Wheaton, Illinois, 1963.

Unruh, J. Timothy, Phaeton the Lost Planet, Ruhe Co., Rocklin, California, 1995.

Weber, E. F., The Antichrist, Southwest Radio Church of the Air, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1965.

Whitcomb, John C., The World that Perished, Baker book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1982.

Wood, Nathan R., The Secret of the Universe, Warwick Press, Boston, Massachusetts, 1932.


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