Slow Browsing?
X faster than a 56K analog modem bps Kbps Bps KBps
1 57,600 56 7,200 7.2 <- this is a 56K modem Note: Most WWW browsers will report speeds in KBps
2 115,200 113 14,400 14.4
3 172,800 169 21,600 21.6
4 230,400 225 28,800 28.8
5 288,000 281 36,000 36.0
6 345,600 338 43,200 43.2
7 403,200 394 50,400 50.4
8 460,800 450 57,600 57.6
9 518,400 506 64,800 64.8
10 576,000 563 72,000 72.0
11 633,600 619 79,200 79.2
12 691,200 675 86,400 86.4
13 748,800 731 93,600 93.6
14 806,400 788 100,800 100.8
15 864,000 844 108,000 108.0
16 921,600 900 115,200 115.2
17 979,200 956 122,400 122.4
18 1,036,800 1,013 129,600 129.6
19 1,094,400 1,069 136,800 136.8
20 1,152,000 1,125 144,000 144.0
21 1,209,600 1,181 151,200 151.2
22 1,267,200 1,238 158,400 158.4
23 1,324,800 1,294 165,600 165.6
24 1,382,400 1,350 172,800 172.8
25 1,440,000 1,406 180,000 180.0
26 1,497,600 1,463 187,200 187.2
27 1,555,200 1,519 194,400 194.4 <- this is roughly equivalent to the maximum speed of a 1.5Mbps cable modem