A special statement from the author of this web site
This site is an information reference
I used to carry a diskette of links around with me to locate items of my personal interest.
As my list of bookmarks/favorites began to grow, exceeding 3000 links, I started to seek alternatives.
This personal web site suites that alternative purpose and also gives me access to references and a good example to use in my classroom for student observation.
You are welcome to use what ever meets your interest. If you find a dead link or a drastic error,
(typos or sequence problems) feel free to send me an email of the items of what you wish to let me know.
Please - Sign the guest book and, if you choose, leave comments.
For a temporary holding area, the top line on this INTERNET LINKS PAGE will be used for a group reference of submitted requests. I will use this untill I can decide if, and where, the elements of the group are to be included.
I will respond to any personal E-Mail, if you would like a reply. I do appreciate any constructive comments.
I also request, if you have any additions you would like to share with others who may follow you,
forward them to me and I'll try to figure where (alpabetically) they would best fit. If you know where or
into what index the liks should be included, feel free to give your opinions.
Thank you,
Michael A. Johnson
(Hint: use the back option to return from this page)