Our Father, Your Son has said that You and He are One, and that wherever two or more are gathered in His Name, that He is also present.  We welcome You here today. We thank You for all of the blessings that You have given us. We thank You for our families, our homes, our jobs.  We thank You for the multitude of Your servants that You have gathered together to join in carrying on Your work.

We thank You for Your Ten Commandments that You intend should serve as the foundation of the law for every nation on the face of the Earth ‑ may  Thy will be done ‑ and that You have written on the heart of every man and every woman who has ever been permitted to have been born into this world.

We thank You for our written Constitution, as interpreted by the men who wrote it, that we believe was Your gift to our forefathers, given so that we might live by Your laws and enjoy the blessings of Your liberty.

We thank You for our Country. We ask You to bless us with new leaders who will guide us in Your paths, and who will restore Your principles upon which our written Constitution is based and upon which our Nation was formed.

Deliver us from evil. Deliver us from leaders who, in direct and deliberate defiance of our written Constitution's prohibition against the establishment of a state‑sponsored religion, have unlawfully and unconstitutionally used the vast resources and institutions of government to massively promote the state‑sponsored, false, pagan religion of Political‑Correctness and the abominations of abortion and sodomy.

Deliver us from evil. Deliver us from leaders who, through the National Endowment for the alleged Arts, and through the National Endowment for the alleged Humanities, have unlawfully and unconstitutionally used the vast resources and institutions of government to promote pornography and blasphemy.

Deliver us from evil. Deliver us from leaders who have abused the positions of power that You have entrusted to them by making careers of promoting the Capital Sins of Envy and Avarice, and engaging in pandering, perversion, prevarication, and corruption.

Write upon the hearts and minds of the scribes of the media, the sacred duty of a free press in a free society to openly and to honestly report all of the news, including the news of political parties and of political candidates with whose views they may choose to disagree.  Also grave impropriety, and evil, of choosing to spike, or to suppress, or to black out, or to censor out, the news of political parties and of political candidates, with whose views they may choose to disagree, in  a deliberate effort to sway the results of the political process by depriving the American people of their right to know of all of the political parties and of all of the political candidates from among whom they may chose our future leaders.

But we also remember the message of Your Son to Your servant, Constantine: "By this sign you shall conquer!"

"In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."