Let Me first explain a little about content advisor.
Content Advisor is an attempt at internet scurity, like surfwatch and net nanny, but integrated into the browser. Content Advisor ships with internet explorer, so theoretically, nobody has to install new software to keep their children out of "bad" sites.
The Problems. Very, very few sites are rated with the rating service that Content Advisor uses. This means that you have a choice, you can either deny content to any unrated sites, (unrated sites include www.disney.com), or you can allow acess to all unrated sites which means you would only be blocking a few sites that are bad while allowing acess to hundreds of others.
If you forget your content advisor "Supervisor" password (the password you used to enable ratings) there is no way to disable the ratings again. This includes completely uninstalling and reinstalling internet explorer.
The supervisor password is held in the registry. That is why uninstalling and reinstalling will not fix it. The key is as follows:
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Ratings
there will be a key there labelled "key", (original ain't it?). That key holds the encrypted content advisor Supervisor password.
Delete that key.
That will set the Content Advisor Password to blank. Then you can go in and disable the ratings.