The go method loads a specified URL from the History
list. There are two ways of doing this: you can either go to a relative
position backwards or forwards in the list, or you can specify all or
part of the URL you wish to load. To go to a relative position forwards
in the list, you use as the Delta argument a number greater than 0 for
the number of places forwards and, likewise, to go to a relative position
backwards in the list, you need to specify a negative number equal to
the number of places backwards. If the Delta argument is 0, then the
current page is reloaded. for example, the following code creates a
button, which when pressed, loads a page 2 entries previous in the history
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="history.go(-2)">
In the following example, a button is created, which when pressed,
loads the nearest History entry that contains the string "":
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="history.go('')">