is the primitive Javascript object from which all other objects are derived.
They therefore have all the methods defined for Object.
It is created by using the Object constructor as follows:
new Object()
constructor Property
This specifies a function to create an object's property and is inherited
by all objects from their prototype.
Syntax: Object.constructor
prototype Property
This allows the addition of properties and methods to any object.
Syntax: Object.prototype.name = value
eval Method
The eval method is deprecated as a method of Object, but
is still used as a high level function. It evaluates a string of JavaScript
in the context of an object.
Syntax: Object.eval(string)
toSource Method
The toSource method returns a literal representing the source
code of an object. This can then be used to create a new object.
Syntax: Object.toSource()
toString Method
The toString method returns a string representing a specified
Syntax: Object.toString()
unwatch Method
This method removes a watchpoint set for an object and property name
with the watch method.
Syntax: Object.unwatch(property)
valueOf Method
This method returns a primitive value for a specified object.
Syntax: Object.valueOf()
watch Method
This method adds a watchpoint to a property of the object.
Syntax: Object.watch(property, handler)