HANDLER: onMouseOut
= myJavaScriptCode
Event handler for Layer, Link
The onMouseOut event handler is used to execute specified Javascript
code whenever the user moves the mouse out of an area or link from inside
that area or link. If used with an Area
object, that object must include the HREF attribute within the AREA
tag. And if you want to set the status or defaultStatus
properties using the onMouseOut event handler, you must return
true within the event handler. onMouseOut uses the following
properties of the Event object:
type - indicates the type of event.
target - indicates the target object to which the event was sent.
layerX, layerY, pageX, pageY, screenX, screenY
indicate the cursor location at the time of the MouseOut
The following example creates an Image
object. When the user moves the mouse outside the image from within
it, the onMouseOut event handler changes the picture displayed
by calling the 'changeImage' function which (not listed) alters the
src property of the Image
<IMG name="myImage" SRC="Images/myPic.jpg" onMouseOut="changeImage()">