Link object is a piece of text, an image or an area of an image
that loads a hypertext link reference into the target window when selected.
Area objects are also a type of Link object. A link can
be created either by using the HTML 'A' or 'AREA' tags, or by calling
the String.link method. Each 'A' or 'AREA' tag that has an HREF
attribute is placed by the JavaScript engine in an array in the document.links
property. A Link object can then be accessed by indexing this array.
The following code demonstrates the creation of a link to an anchor in
the 'Authors.htm' page using the String.link method:
The exact same link can also be created using HTML as follows:
<a href="Authors.htm#author">AUTHORS</a>
A Link object is a Location object and shares the same
properties. When you click a Link object, the destination document's
referrer property then contains the URL of the source page. A
link can also be used to execute JavaScript code rather than to reference
a hyperlink. The following code, for example, simply creates a function
to display the message "Hello World!" which is then called if the user
clicks on the 'GREETINGS' link:
<script language="javascript">
function write_hello()
document.write("Hello World!")
<a href="javascript:write_hello()">GREETINGS</a>
A full URL takes the following form:
hash Property
The hash property is a string beginning with a hash (#), that
specifies an anchor name in an HTTP URL.
Syntax: object.hash
host Property
The host property is a string comprising of the hostname
and host strings.
Syntax: object.host
hostname Property
The hostname property specifies the server name, subdomain and
domain name (or IP address) of a URL.
Syntax: object.hostname
href Property
The href property is a string specifying the entire URL, and
of which all other Link properties are substrings.
Syntax: object.href
pathname Property
The pathname property is a string portion of a URL specifying
how a particular resource can be accessed.
Syntax: object.pathname
port Property
The port property is a string specifying the communications port
that the server uses.
Syntax: object.port
protocol Property
The protocol property is the string at the beginning of a URL,
up to and including the first colon (:), which specifies the method
of access to the URL.
Syntax: object.protocol
search Property
The search property is a string beginning with a question mark
that specifies any query information in an HTTP URL.
Syntax: object.search
target Property
The target property is a string specifying the window that displays
the contents of a clicked hyperlink.
Syntax: object.target
text Property
The text property is a string containing the text of a corresponding
'A' tag.
Syntax: object.text
handleEvent Method
The HandleEvent method invokes the handler for the specified
Syntax: object.handleEvent(event)
The Link object has all of the following event handlers, but
the Area object can only use the onDblClick,
onMouseOut and onMouseOver
event handlers.
onClick EventHandler
The onClick event handler executes javaScript code whenever the
user clicks (i.e. when the mouse button is pressed and released) on
a form object.
Syntax: onClick = "myJavaScriptCode"
onDblClick EventHandler
The onDblClick event handler executes JavaScript code whenever
the user double clicks on an object in a form.
Syntax: onDblClick = "myJavaScriptCode"
onKeyDown EventHandler
The onKeyDown event handler is used to execute certain JavaScript
code whenever the user depresses a key.
Syntax: onKeyDown = "myJavaScriptCode"
onKeyPress EventHandler
The onKeyPress event handler executes JavaScript code whenever the user
presses or holds down a key
Syntax: onKeyPress = "myJavaScriptCode"
onKeyUp EventHandler
The onKeyUp event handler executes JavaScript code whenever the
user releases a depressed key.
Syntax: onKeyUp = "myJavaScriptCode"
onMouseDown EventHandler
The onMouseDown event handler executes JavaScript code whenever
the user depresses the mouse button over an area or link.
Syntax: onMouseDown = "myJavaScriptCode"
onMouseOut EventHandler
The onMouseOut event handler executes JavaScript code whenever
the mouse pointer leaves an area or a link within that area or link.
Syntax: onMouseOut = "myJavaScriptCode"
onMouseUp EventHandler
The onMouseUp event handler executes JavaScript code whenever
the user releases a depressed mouse button over an area or link.
Syntax: onMouseUp = "myJavaScriptCode"
onMouseOver EventHandler
The onMouseOver event handler cause JavaScript code to be executed
whenever the mouse pointer leaves an area or a link within an area or
Syntax: onMouseOut "myJavaScriptCode"